In the hindu astrology, Manglik dosh is considered by if Mars or mangal is active in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house in your Kundli chart. When you enter your all details like birth date, name & place of birth or time by these details a Kundli chart will be made by the astrologer & Manglik dosh is considered by mangal active in your house. It is believed unfavorable for marriage, tensions in relationship & other problems you will face. In the Manglik dosh, you will have to marry with a manglik partner to stay healthy & fit.
If two persons are Manglik & they marry each other then it is believed that the negative effects will be cancelled. It is also said that you can marry with a non-manglik partner also but you will have to follow some rules before marrying the partner. Pandit Ashok Maharaj Ji provides the best Mangalik dosh nivaran solution in Caracas. If you are in love & wanna marry with the life partner who is non-mangalik then it’s possible by doing some small pooja formalities to remove the negative effects. Pooja will be like Kumb Vivah, Banana Tree Marriage & so many other nivaran are available at Pandit Ji. Take your phone & call to Pandit Ji now for the best Mangalik dosha pooja in Caracas.